Montague 21

20 November 2017

Pre-handover BS from BC

Coming up to handover I decided to make sure that PD gives me the delays they owe us (over 2 months!) but my experience with PD made me question just how much they are going to respect the original start date. So I sent my bc an email saying that I would like to know exactly how much they will pay us back prior to handover. Only then she sent me a document saying they would like to claim around 2 months back because the delays were my fault. Fair enough to claim the time it took us to remove the asbestos but it took us 5 days to do it, why did they delay for over 2 months? I would have non of it especially because my BC kept replying to my emails with incorrect information throughout this period, so saying that emails were already sent about whats been happening is ridiculous because these emails state things that never happened causing more delays. They wouldn't budge and wouldn't explain, I still went ahead with handover but be aware that if PD awes you money then ask them to send it to you in writing well in advance so you can have time to dispute it.

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