Montague 21

23 August 2017


Week 7.5 into the build.
I met up with our site supervisor to find a house all plastered! it was very exciting, he told me that he booked everything until the end of the build and if things go as planned then we can expect to be in by mid-late October. Can't believe how fast this is going :)


Main bathroom
Master en-suite

Master bedroom
Bricks almost done~

16 August 2017


We are at week 6.
So far we had 3 inspections: Slab pre-pour, slab+frame, pre-plaster+frame re-inspection.
I am pleased with choosing to have all the inspections, it makes sure that I am involved in the process, that I get informed when and if mistakes are going to be rectified. Above all I think that it keeps the builders on their toes. They really need to do a good job first time around or it will delay the build which is already way behind schedule... next month they will need to start paying us for delays and there are at least two more months to the finish line.

DH had a job near Altona North so he drove by the house to take a pic, looks like the brickwork is coming along nicely.

Plaster starts next week and in two more weeks the bricks should all be done and we will pay for the lock up stage :)
<3 ~ 

02 August 2017

Roof being installed

Week 5: I had my first meeting with my Site supervisor today. He seems like a great guy, was super nice and accommodating. Answered every question, gave me as much information as he could, was the most helpful person I met from Porter Davis so far. Really hope the house keeps going full steam ahead, it's insane how fast the house goes up once they start it! Looks like we will definitely be in our new house by Christmas with enough time to spare to decorate. Been a dream of mine to have an insanely decorated house for Christmas :)

While being on site, the roof guys were there installing the colorbond roof,  seeing it on a full roof looks so sooooooo much lighter than it looks on the tiny sample they show you at WoS.

If you want to compare the roof to the sample we got in WoS then go to this link:

It's so much lighter, it's like it's not even the same color!!! I don't mind it so much, my husband is in-charge of the exterior color scheme so I don't have any sort of attachment to the colors. As long as the kitchen is the way I want it, I'll be a happy camper!

UPDATE: We went over the weekend, the bricks started going up and the roof has the right color.. all is well :)
Now it's blue!